Uri Rotstock (2928 m), hike & fly 2015 Climbed peaks: Uri Rotstock (2928 m) 2015 with Sebastian, some photos (c) Sebastian R. Sebastian at Musenalp View from Musenalp In the saddle at point 2798 just south of the summit of Uri Rotstock Daniel and Sebastian at the summit of Uri Rotstock Old but functional gondola to Musenalp Paragliders in the gondola Daniel hiking up Daniel near the saddle just south of the summit of Uri Rotstock Preparing the gliders for takeoff in the saddle just south of the summit of Uri Rotstock View from Sebastians glider back to the summit of Uri Rotstock and Daniel just starting from the saddle south of the summit. We would fly clockwise around the mountain back to Altdorf. Looking at Blüemlisalpfirn glacier In the air In the air Daniel high up in the air Daniel over Altdorf and lake Urnersee Sebastian landing Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.